Section 3: Teen Consultant Guidelines
These are the guidelines that will be shared with the Teen Consultant. Please note that the trainer is responsible for facilitating the conversation and guiding the consultant during the session.
Thank you for agreeing to participate in IOR’s Intercultural Teen Training!
This session should help the participant:
- Gather important practical information on everyday living that addresses the participant’s needs and interests.
- Understand the differences between interacting and making friends with other expatriates and getting to know and feel comfortable with people who are from the host country.
- Explore some of the challenges that children and teens face in their daily lives when trying to adjust to their new home and surroundings.
- Gain confidence that the international move is manageable by talking to someone who has had a successful experience and is enthusiastic to share stories and information.
The teen consultant session is one part of a cross-cultural orientation program. It is not intended to give all the answers but to help the participant get a feel for some of the important aspects of being an expatriate.
It is impossible to cover all the topics adequately within the time frame. So it is important to suggest ways that the participant can continue gathering information as the move approaches and from resources in the community once they arrive in the new country. It is important to listen to the participants and be flexible about answering questions and giving information that meets their needs.
Please take some time to think about the topics listed below as well as other topics that you think kids might want to know about. Be prepared to answer questions. If there is something that you would like to bring to show (show-and-tell style), feel free.
- School Sports Activities (shopping, movies, concerts, etc.)
- What kids do for fun after school and on the weekends
- Travel in the area
- Holidays
- Food
- Transportation (car, bus, train, tram, taxi, bike, etc.)
- Climate
- Safety
- Language
- Etiquette
- Beliefs and values
- Religion
- The adaptation process: What was strange or difficult to get used to at first? What challenges did you face? What was easier than you expected? What will you miss the most?
- Advice, tips, and don’t miss to do’s
The trainer who will be facilitating the session might ask you to be prepared to talk about other topics as well. He/she will contact you before the training to give you more details about the family and more detailed instructions.
Thank you for working for IOR Global Services! Your participation will greatly enrich the Intercultural Training!